IBM: Smart Loves Problems

I was part of the team who helped launch a new brand platform for IBM called Smart Loves Problems. It celebrates the ingenuity of IBM and its clients and the problems they tackle and solve with IBM technology.

This extension of the campaign highlights superior flexibility of the IBM Cloud by speaking to the frustrations businesses feel being boxed-in by the inflexible clouds of IBM’s competitors. It was their best performing ad of the last four years, thanks in no small part to cat butt.

FOX Sports + IBM Watson

This extension of the campaign that highlights the partnership between FOX Sports and IBM Watson aired during the 2019/2020 NFL season. It follows a day in the life of real-life problem solver Charissa Thompson as she prepares for game day with the help of IBM Watson.

NFL + IBM Watson Print

ACD/CW: Anne West | ACD/AD: Gina Whitt

ECD: Jeff Curry | Agency: Ogilvy

Director: The Mercadantes | Prod Co: Park Pictures